The Road to Victory is yours, to ensure this victory, equip yourself with this Booster Box featuring a large number of GX cards.
This Booster Box is the name given to the eighth Japanese subset released during the Sun & Moon era of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the second to be considered an improvement on the sixth main expansion, Forbidden Light.
This Champion Road Expansion Pack is a subset containing 86 cards which was launched on May 3, 2018 in Japan. It contains modernized reprints of cards previously released in the Neo, e-Card, ADV and PCG era.
You will find cards like Mr Mime GX, Electrode GX, Drattak GX, Articuno GX, Scizor Gx and many others.
- Release date: May 3, 2018
- Shipped from Japan in 48 hours
- Japanese Official Cards
- Reference number 4521329240787
- SM6b Expansion Pack
- Contains 30 packets. 5 cards per pack
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